Double-speed playback for iTunes?
The iPod app on the iPhone (and presumably the iPod Touch) supports playback of 2 times the etch rate. This is great for listening to talk-radio podcasts when I'm driving, as I can get twice the information in the same amount of time. ¿ITunes does support this type of reproduction? I can not seem to find the option. I prefer to play in iTunes rather than on my iPhone when I'm at my desk.
- Open the selected song file with Quicktime.
- Choose "Show audio controls."
- Move the "Playback Speed" slider at the bottom of the window to the desired speed.
Quicktime Player in Snow Leopard, Option-click the fast forward button to increase the speed by 10%.
Play podcasts 1.5 x speed
I subscribe to very many podcasts now, and I have found that most podcasters can actually be fairly understand, even if the speed up his speech by 50%. So, when my iTunes shows that I have 45 minutes left in a podcast, and I prefer to know that in 30 minutes, I pull down my menu script to display and run the following AppleScript (saved in my Library User -> Scripts -> Applications -> iTunes folder and play this song to 1.5 x):
tell application "iTunes" pause September my_track to location of current track in September my_seconds to player position end tell tell application "QuickTime * Ts September rate of my_movie to 1.5 end tell
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